a mEmoRable dAy wiTh haPpinesS

4 Jun 2008

Just like usuAl, EstheR and I go dating in IpOh JusCo. sUshi as ouR brEakfaSt. rEally deliciOus and full...haha... Then wE taKe " big-head-photo " , reAlly haVe fun! we havE to thiNk so mAny post withiN such a shOrt tiMe and it is oUr 1st tImE to taKe thIs kiNd oF piCtuRes...bUt we didN't deCorate thEm, so not so satisfy,buT we're addictEd! so, neXt tiMe we'll do thAt aGaiN,suRe will have A betTeR 1.
AftErtHat, wE becoMe eArly bIrd tO watCh NARNIA:PRINCE CASPIAN. beCausE i waNt to saVe mOney, sO thAt we can go Ipoh moRe oFten... hopefullY Taiping Central will oPen faSter, taiping cinema...i'm waiting for yOu...haha...and dEar mUst jiA yOu ooO, mid-yeAr eXam coMing adi... alL dA bEst & goOd lUck! For luNch we jusT cincai eat in the fOoD cOuRt. but theRe has beEn renovated, the conditions aRe battEr nOw... We take mAny piCtuRes toDay...tHanks mY deaR ... mUaxXxX... loVe yOu
A h@pPieEeE daY !!!

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