self - encouragement

Well, exam is coming soon. Less than 1 month. But I have a new lab to start next week. From 11am until 5pm daily! Hell ~ it's gonna kill me! After the lab, I still have to write the report! OMG~ I bet I will have not enough time to study and prepare for the exam!
But : Nothing is impossible !
I wanna change my thought! I have to keep telling myself - I CAN DO IT, and JUST DO IT!

to have this spirit ~ I will award myself the following things.

Able to finish all chapters of AC, ----> nikon FM

wanna own this for fun, looks like antique,
and perhaps the value might increase.
then i can resell it for good price.xD

Able to finish all chapters of Laborkunde -----> fujifilm mini 7s with holga fish eye lense

read a blog b4 - the writer call this "a present maker" instantly
gonna need this for buddy bday soon. and saw from ju's photos,they are awesome
match the fish eye lense! that would be - PERFECT!

Able to answer the exam Qs ------> sigma 24-70 f2.8 and Nikon SB - 900

(replace my 18-105mm kit lense) ekeke

Good result for this sem ------> new Desktop PC + 23" LCD TV

Muahahahaha ~~~ work harder CHEE WEI TEH !!!
jiayou ~


Maxx said...

so rich.

cheewei said...

lol.. bo huat toh! if not i no mood study! ahaha..
u also rich la.. got a new hp n pc liao~ i ape pun din hv yet!
*note : change lense and buy flash for sis graduation!
*note : laptop open 24/7 very fast go west sky de! haha