Suddenly i just realized that keep on updating my blog is quite important.
My problem is I'm always lazy to update it. Last year i wrote only 4 posts. Haha ... A LAZY PIG!
You know what, when you are 40~50 year old, I can guarantee that mostly non of you can totally remember every thing in your lives, of course including me too.
Sometimes I always think about some nonsense stuffs.
e.g. what if one day 1 I have an accident, and I lost all my memories... What should I do? My life will be meaningless without the memories of the past. Stories from family, friends and diary will help a lots. Then followed by the blog.
Every single and even tiny thing you have wrote in your blog, will let you yourselves and your friends know you much better. This is the advantage of blogging.HAHA...
(sounds like encouraging people,but I'm self-encouraging actually)
Start blogging today... like me.
Let it spice up your lives.
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