My website

I have been restless recently. Because I was trying to modify my blogspot's html template code to looks like a website. Well, after a long shot,i decided to give up. That stuff really made me - computer idiot (kind of; compare to those studying comp. eng) headache. My latest update friends' link just disappear for a few times. Disappeared and added and disappeared and added again. The reason I need to modify it because I want to creat a photoblog/photogallery. and add the link thru my blog. Yes, I know. I can simply just add a flickr gadget which will share my flickr photostream on my blog to my friends. But I feel like it's too meesy,too many add-on in my blog. So ...

Still working on it! Simple layout,simple background.

But it's cool. B'coz it has my blog - link to this old template blogspot. xD
and the phototgallery for my photo sharing and u can choose full screen slide show for the photos. Okie, I know my photos not that nice, still improving :-)
and forum to craps together. I love that! But most probably it will become an inactive forum! haha.

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